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All Your New Year’s Resolutions Resolved!

January 15, 2016

Did you make New Year’s Resolutions this year? Have you already abandoned all hope of achieving them? Let us show you how a Kitchen or Bath Remodel can help you not only achieve your resolutions – but put you on the road to Happiness and Success!

The most common resolutions stay the same every year – over and over we promise ourselves the same things – and life overtakes us every time! Here’s how to pull yourself out of that rut and move forward:

Get Organized – Start with your kitchen and pantry. Rip it out down to the studs – maybe even a wall or two. Move the sink under the window. Install special storage for pots and pans and all the covers – and those cookie sheets need a better place to stay as well. 

Help Others – The best way to help others is to be your best self – and that means making sure you have a kitchen that makes feeding yourself and others a joy. Make some jams and jellies to give to family and friends. Or make your bath a place of refuge and sanctuary – it will help you be ready to meet whatever life decides to throw your way!

Learn Something New – Learn how to make jam or bake bread in a new gourmet kitchen. Learn meditation in a beautiful new bathtub with heated surface, hydrotherapy, chromatherapy and speakers for music!

More Family Time – A new kitchen inspires you and your family to come together for meals. Let the kids help prepare and they’ll learn to feed themselves – and you when you’re old and grey.

Get Out of Debt/Save Money – New appliances and plumbing fixtures will lower your utility bills. A new kitchen will inspire you to eat at home more often and save money on dining out. Pretty soon you’ll be swimming in extra money!

Enjoy Life More – You’ll be organized, loved by others, learning new things, spending time with your family and have extra money – Life is Good!

This year, make a plan! First step – make an appointment for an in-home consultation and all of your problems will resolve themselves!