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Renovating a Kitchen with Elise Connor, CKD – In Progress

October 8, 2014

Often, renovation is stressful because all that you do in the kitchen as a family is now in a chaotic state – eating, cooking and socializing. Elise and her team did everything they could to make the transition. The customer, Marlene, got involved in a creative way – she wrote about it while the process was happening! Her opinions are really the only ones that matter, so we’ll let them speak for us:

July 2014: We hired Elise to renovate our kitchen and are so very happy with the renovation so far. Elise helped me and led me to design a beautiful kitchen which also has extended into our living room and guest bath. Each crew has come into our home with respect to us; they know their job and professionally get it done. Today the wood floors were installed, and the workers stayed until after 9 p.m. to get the job done. Tomorrow the cabinets are going to be unveiled, and I am so excited! I would recommend Elise and S&W designs to anyone with a lot of confidence.

July 29, 2014: The work in our kitchen and dining room is about half way done. It’s beautiful!! Most of the cabinets are in and the countertop was measured today. I would like to make special mention about Dale, the gentleman who put in our kitchen cupboards. He came, worked alone, and it was nice watching him because he knew just what to do and in the right order. Truly an artist. Also our supervisor Tim is right on the spot. If we have any questions and call him he returns the call in an orderly time. Elise is truly the designer. She comes in and walks around checking things out and is able to see just what has to be done, any adjustments to be made. So far this has been a truly good experience.

August 13, 2014: Look! It’s almost finished! Isn’t it beautiful? I can’t tell you how happy I am. The whole project crew has been wonderful. Very personable, and they know their job. I said to my husband this morning “they come in, do their job, clean up and leave.” It’s nice not having to worry about the job not being done right. I will truly have the most beautiful kitchen when Elise and her professional crew are finished.

August 15, 2014: It was an exciting day at our house. There were electricians, appliance men and a plumber, all doing their thing. The electricity was connected and all my lighting was hung; all my appliances were connected. renovated kitchen in progressIt’s so wonderful to be able to cook in the kitchen, and my refrigerator is so happy to be back in the house. Also it’s wonderful not to have to do dishes in the bathroom. Now it’s just little things to finish up and hopes are we’ll be finished by the 25th and I can move my things back in and make it mine. This has been a good experience, even with the inconveniences. I have nothing to compare with, but I find Elise and her crew to be outstanding.

September 21, 2014: Our kitchen is finished and has been for a couple of weeks but I didn’t want to write about it until I had my things in it and organized and had used it for a while. WOW!!! It more than met my expectations. It is a very user friendly kitchen as well as being BEAUTIFUL. My husband, Steve, and I find ourselves just sitting or standing and looking at it and can’t believe we actually did it for ourselves. Thanks to Elise, for all the beautiful decorating ideas and to Tim Hobson and his team. The expected finish time was 12 weeks and it was finished and I was moved in at 9 weeks. Again, I can’t say enough about the workers, courteous, clean, respected our home, knew their job and got it done. A BIG THANK YOU to all the workers. Tim should be very proud of them, I know I am. We recommended S& W kitchens to our neighbors and they are having two bathrooms done. I am a very happy person and therefore I have a very happy husband!

Three weeks early and on budget! We love happy customers! Next blog, more on the details.