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What is Cabinet Refacing? Everything You Need to Know

Cabinet refacing in Tampa, FL
February 26, 2024

If your kitchen needs an update, but you are not interested in a full remodel, cabinet refacing may be an option for you.  Refacing your cabinets is a low-cost upgrade that can refresh your entire space.  Whether your cabinets are old, dated, or worn out, it’s an ideal choice as long as they are structurally sound. 

But what does the process entail and what considerations should you take before deciding? Here’s everything you need to know:

What is Cabinet Refacing? 

Cabinet refacing is a cost-effective and efficient way to update the look of your kitchen cabinets without the need for a full replacement. Instead of tearing out your existing cabinets and starting from scratch, cabinet refacing involves giving them a fresh new appearance by replacing the doors, drawer fronts, and hardware, while applying a thin veneer or laminate to the exterior surfaces of the cabinet frames.  Meanwhile, the cabinet boxes left in place are repaired, as needed, and painted to match the new doors and drawer fronts. Once you're finished refacing kitchen cabinets, new hardware will add the final touch to make them look brand new.

The end result is beautiful and seamless. Your cabinets will look brand new, all at a fraction of the cost of a total renovation.

Before and After
cabinet refacing in tampa florida
Cabinet refacing in Tampa, FL

How Much Does it Cost? 

It depends on several factors such as the number of cabinets you have,  layout, the size of your kitchen, and the design selections you make.

For example, there are several different door styles and finishes.  Each choice you make will impact the final overall cost.  However, the cost to reface cabinets is generally much less than a complete remodel. 

What Does it Involve? 

Refacing kitchen cabinets replaces the cabinet skin panels to give your kitchen a new look. During the refacing process, the cabinet boxes remain intact, minimizing the disruption to your kitchen and reducing the overall cost and time of the renovation.

Cabinet refacing allows homeowners to choose from a variety of styles, finishes, materials and hardware to achieve the desired look for their cabinets, whether it's a sleek modern design or a classic traditional aesthetic.

Pros of Refacing Cabinets

  1. Less Disruptive:  The process is generally less disruptive as your cabinet boxes will remain intact.  Many homeowners are able to continue using their kitchen throughout the process.  
  2. Cost-Effective: Cabinet refacing is generally more affordable than a full cabinet replacement since it involves keeping the existing cabinet boxes and, in some cases, hardware.
  3. Time-Saving: Refacing cabinets typically takes less time than replacing them entirely, reducing the disruption to your home during the renovation process.
  4. Environmentally Friendly: By reusing existing cabinet components, cabinet refacing helps to reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact of your renovation project.
  5. Preserves Layout: Cabinet refacing allows you to maintain the layout and functionality of your kitchen or bathroom, minimizing the need for extensive reconfiguration.
  6. Wide Variety of Options: With cabinet refacing, you can choose from a wide range of materials, styles, finishes, and hardware to achieve the desired look for your cabinets.

Cons of Refacing Cabinets

  1. Doesn't change the existing layout. Refacing kitchen cabinets will maintain the size and layout of your original kitchen. If you've had the same kitchen for 20 years,  a new layout or design might be more appealing than just refacing. If you are running out of space or have outgrown your kitchen, you're better off investing in a kitchen remodel.  This can add much needed storage and optimize efficiency. Refacing is meant to be a cosmetic tweak, not an overhaul.
  2. Limited Structural Changes: While cabinet refacing can update the appearance of your cabinets, it doesn't address underlying structural issues or allow for significant layout changes.
  3. Quality of Existing Cabinets: The success of cabinet refacing depends on the condition and quality of your existing cabinet boxes. If the cabinets are damaged or deteriorating, refacing may not be a suitable option.
  4. Not Suitable for All Cabinets: Cabinets with extensive damage or structural issues may require full replacement rather than refacing.
  5. Limited Customization: While there are many options available for refacing materials and finishes, the customization options may be more limited compared to a full cabinet replacement.
  6. May Not Increase Home Value: While cabinet refacing can enhance the aesthetics of your kitchen or bathroom, it may not significantly increase the resale value of your home compared to a full renovation.

Ultimately, the decision to reface your cabinets depends on your budget, goals, and the condition of your existing cabinets

It's important to weigh the pros and cons carefully.  To determine if cabinet refacing is right for you, schedule some time to consult with one of our professional cabinet designers

Learn more about our cabinet services