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S&W Kitchens Hosts the 2023 SCC Furniture Design Contest!

January 24, 2023

Each year S&W Kitchens hosts the SCC Furniture Design Contest for Professor Sable Stroud’s Furniture Design Course.

The students are challenged to create a kitchen island with companion seating for no fewer than 3 people. There are several requirements in places designed to test the student’s knowledge and put their learnings to the test!

The submissions will be judged by a panel of veteran S&W Kitchens designers and awarded prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place provided by S&W Kitchens.

We will be featuring the finalists here and on S&W Kitchens Instagram account, so make sure to follow along! 

Learn about the Seminole State College Interior Design program here.

Keep reading to get to know the students who will be participating in the contest!

Adrianne Byars

Pursuing her bachelor's degree in Interior Design from Seminole State College, Adrianne's primary interest is residential design. She gives credit to her grandmother for exposing her to interior design as a child, as she helped her re-purpose furniture. She believes it's a true gift to envision a space or a piece of furniture for more than what the beginning stages are. Throughout her studies at Seminole State college, she was introduced to sustainable designs in a built environment. She would love to give back to the environment with Eco-friendly design solutions, which benefit both the individuals who occupy the space and our ecosystem. She is dedicated to improving health and wellness for individuals while promoting Eco-friendly benefits. With an influence from the environment, she enjoys incorporating nature within her designs as well as including earth tones or using a neutral color palette. Overall, Adrianne strives to enhance the quality of life by creating spaces that are tranquil and desirable.

Taylor Daly

I am Taylor Daly. My interest in design started when I was about 12 years old. The family that I worked for babysitting at the time, were renovating a bathroom. I remembered going with the mother, while watching their small child, to all kinds of places selecting finishes like lighting, paint, and furniture. I remember helping give my insight and seeing how not only creative it was but also rewarding seeing it come to live. Ever since them my love for design has only grown. My design style is very eclectic and unique. I love taking a more neutral, simple space and spicing it up with lots of colorful accents. I love to incorporate vintage pieces to mix and match design styles together as one. Antique shopping for inspiration and also items for my own home is my favorite hobby.

Katie Dosch

I am Katie Dosch. My love for interior design sparked when I moved out on my own. I found myself constantly rearranging furniture, buying new décor and finding new ways to make my house feel like a home. From there, I turned a hobby into my career and I'm so happy I did. I would describe my design style as minimalistic and organic. I love using neutrals in a design with earthy tones and shades of green. The outdoors is my inspiration and I love to incorporate it in my designs to bring a sense of calmness and serenity to all spaces.

Sasha Duchenko

Hello, my name is Sasha Duchenko. My love for interior design has been one that has developed naturally over the last few years. Although, I should have known from all of the binging of Trading Spaces and HGTV as a kid. I enjoy building relationships with people and being a part of creating memorable moments for them. Interior design allows me an opportunity to ignite my creativity while creating spaces for people to enjoy and create moments together. When I design, I like to visualize how the space will be used and what emotions come forward. A space should be so much more than it is filled with, but also how it makes you feel. I find myself to be a fluid designer, I can appreciate a variety of styles and color palettes. I love designing with bold marbles, playful finishes, and one-of-a-kind statement pieces. I love incorporating a variety of textures and selecting pieces that are beautiful as well as functional.

Sophia Garzon

My name is Sophia, I am from Bogota, Colombia. I have been living in the USA for 3 years with my family. I studied 2 years of industrial design and now I want to focus on residential design. My design philosophy is based on minimal and plant based, sustainability is very important and I have always considered that less is more, pastel and neutral colors are also bases for my designs. Wide spaces free of traffic are essential for tranquility and simplicity, they look bigger and cleaner.

Shawna Helton

I am Shawna Helton. I chose Interior Design, because any home renovation has the capacity to change someone’s space and life. I watched it happen many times over the years. My aesthetic is nudes, neutral tones, natural plants accent rustic oranges. It just really creates such an open space that you're able to thrive in. It reveals my calm and centered side where I really dedicate peace into my life. The emotions it brings are ones you would find yourself having done a nice yoga relaxed session. Something that calms our minds and bodies from the busy lives we have within this world. Most interesting thing about me is that I travel the world studying Hermetics, Quantum physics, and Metaphysics.

Abigail Moore

My name is Abigail Moore. It has taken me many years to learn that my love for furniture and designing has come from my mom. Throughout my childhood, when rearranging the house, if my mom couldn’t find the piece of furniture she wanted, she would make it herself. While I haven’t picked a favorite design style, I do tend to use contrasting colors. Particularly dark blues, oranges, and yellows. While branching out with different eras of design, I like to incorporate natural materials such as wood and stone to invoke comfort in each space I design.

Katelyn Radnetter

Hi my name is Katelyn Radnetter and I am currently enrolled in Seminole State studying interior design, what brought me to design is my background in art and my creativity when I was a child, when I was younger I used to draw floor plans, re arrange my room, and even create my own decor for my room very often and it wasn't until after I started college that I knew this was the path I wanted to take for my career. I am from The Bahamas and really look forward to inspiring other Caribbean people into pursuing design. My design style is very luxe, timeless, and trendy, I enjoy monochromatic color schemes or a lot of nudes, blacks, and whites. I also like to incorporate matte black and bronze metals to complete my signature style. I want all of my clients to get a sense of comfort mixed with an aesthetic they did not think was possible.

Dareen Saad

I have bachelor’s degree in sociology and social works. Currently, I am studying associate degree in interior design. My husband encouraged me to study interior design, when he saw me how I am interested to design my home and other occasion that we have. I am so happy in this certain major and I want to grow in this field with continuing improving myself in interior design. Also, I am working know as a designer which assist the costumer to remodel their home walls and floors with matching color. I like the neutral colors and blue tones. I like the curved shape with some rectilinear shape. I would say that I like the wood materials with some metal decoration.

Brittney Sauerbrun

I am Brittney Sauerbrun. I am currently studying to be an Interior Designer. My interest in Interior Design piqued when I was little, growing up my family would always move to a new area a lot. My mother would always bring me to look at open houses with her. My interest to renovating houses grew as I was getting older. My design aesthetic would be contemporary, I turn more towards the use of neutral color palette. Along with smooth and clean geometrical shapes used for the furniture. I would like to bring in a more calming effect into the interior space with the use of neutral color palette. I would also include adding in color accents to bring personality to the space.

Eric Scott

Eric’s overall design philosophy is “Enjoy the moment;” to engender one’s ability to fully enjoy their surroundings and be present in the moment. His love of design derives from enjoying solving problems of flow, efficiency, and ergonomics. Furniture should be comfortable, sturdy, and stylish, but also complement its surroundings. His major influences are the Arts & Crafts and Art Nouveau periods, and he endeavors to modernize them with natural, sustainable materials – especially the combination of woodworking and metalworking - wherever possible. Eric is currently in his senior year at Seminole State College, is on track to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in December of this year, and looks forward to beginning a new professional chapter.

Makenzi Smith

My name is Makenzi Smith, and I am currently a student studying Interior Design. I am passionate about design and the creative process. I have always loved to draw and be creative, and I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in design. I am interested in all aspects of design, but my favorite part of the process is making a space come to life and seeing the reaction of the people who use it. To me, simplicity is key. I believe that less is more when it comes to design. I think that designs should be simple in the sense of color and texture. I strive to create designs that are minimalistic and straightforward. I believe that good design is about more than just making a space look good. It is about creating a space that is functional and comfortable for the people who use it. Good design is about solving problems and making people's lives better.

Christina Teter

I am Christina. I am currently studying to be an interior designer. My interest for this started when I was a little girl and loved to draw floor plans and decorate them for my barbies to play in. I love looking at that sort of stuff and imagine how I could create into my own. When I do any art or design work, I like to incorporate sharp straight edges. using straight lines and edges creates a clean and more professional look to things. Keeping neutrals colors in the designs also helps with professionalism. Of course, adding a couple accents colors that aren't neutral is good with bringing out personalities into the space.