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The Pros And Cons Of Remodeling Your Home All At The Same Time

September 19, 2020

Having your home’s kitchen or bathroom renovated is something that will undoubtedly increase the value of the property. It can also be a very stressful and fairly expensive exercise. However, there is a way to reduce both the stress and the expense: get a contractor to remodel more rooms at the same time.

Benefits of remodeling your kitchen and bathroom at the same time

Time. If you tackle these two jobs separately, the combined time could be significantly longer than when you have them done simultaneously. The electricians, plumbers, etc. can be in and out at the same location. Scheduling can be more complicated for separate jobs.

Cost. When you get different contractors for the two or more rooms at two different times, they will be buying materials and hiring workers separately. This means you will lose the benefit of economies of scale. One contractor who buys all his materials from the same supplier will get a bigger bulk discount than two individual ones – and you can ensure this benefit is passed on to you.

The same goes for delivery charges. One large delivery will cost less than two or more smaller ones.

Cohesion. If you want a cohesive style throughout your home, having several rooms remodeled at the same time makes a lot of sense. It is easier to work with the same contractor to make sure the end products are in sync with each other, sharing certain colors, patterns, and other elements. An example is using the same materials for countertops and cabinets.

Less stress. Having a kitchen or bathroom remodeled can be quite a stressful experience. And to have them both remodeled at the same time will be even more stressful, right? Not necessarily. Having the job done by a single professional contractor makes coordination of the different tasks easier. This streamlines the process, and in the long run, it actually removes a lot of stress from the equation.

Consistent quality. If you do your homework before choosing the contractor, you can be sure that the craftsmanship and finishes in all the rooms will be of consistent quality. Such a high-quality end product will undoubtedly have a positive impact on your home’s market value.

Financing. Right now, with interest rates so low, may be the best time to remodel more of your house.

Cons of having your kitchen and bathroom remodeled at the same time

You may want to temporarily move out. Unless you have alternative accommodations, having both the kitchen and bathrooms unavailable will be an inconvenience if you stay in the home while construction is happening. Alternative living space may be needed during the construction time and this will add to the overall cost.

It could be double the trouble. This is more of a potential negative than an actual one. The most important decision that you have to make regarding a combined kitchen/bathrooms remodeling project is choosing the right contractor. He or she should be to be experienced in remodeling both kitchens and bathrooms. A good contractor will be prepared to help you work out some of the logistics and complications.

The bottom line

If you choose a professional contractor with experience in remodeling every room in the house, having more rooms remodeled at the same time can save you a lot of money, time, and unnecessary stress – and it can deliver a superior, more cohesive end product.