William Burke, better known to friends and happy clients as Bill, has been with S&W Kitchens for over 30 years.
Bill’s employment at S & W began at the age of 15, when he helped with deliveries and general office duties. His knowledge of the business was gleaned mostly from the mentoring and on-the-job training provided by Joe Steenbeke, S&W's founder.
Now, some 30 years later, Bill is the Senior Designer in the Longwood showroom, Treasurer for the Central Florida Chapter of the NKBA, and on the Remodeler's Council for the Home Builders Association in Metro Orlando.
Bill enjoys serving as a local expert on 580 AM WDBO's home improvement show airing live on Saturday's from 9am to 11am. His wife says he has a face for radio.
Bill loves to read, boasting a personal library of over 900 volumes, almost entirely non-fiction and most related to the history of World War II.
In his spare time, Bill volunteers at the Wekiva Basin Banding Station. If he can roust them up before dawn, his kids come along to help tag and identify birds and enjoy nature.