Pinterest Fever

September 10, 2012

We have Pinterest Fever!

We thought social media had peaked – did anyone seriously need to know everyone else’s every thought – or every thought someone else ‘Liked’ or ‘Tweeted’? And don’t even get us started on the cute kitty pictures!

It turns out, that yes, we did need more social media! Visual media that helped us gather all the photos of stuff we see and crave and want to save. Enter Pinterest!

Pinterest lets you save images you find on the web to your account. It links to where you found the image so you can find it again and you can make notes and categorize your images so you don’t get your Dream Kitchen images mixed in with your cute kitty images.

Let’s say your bouncing around the web looking for a new faucet – something functional, beautiful and not too expensive. You find a beautiful fixture that you can’t afford right now, but you’d love to remember for your future dream home. Pin it! While you’re at it, Pin the photo of the tile you love, the the to-die-for tub and the ten pictures of designer baths that you couldn’t tear your eyes away from!

The Social part of the equation kicks in when you want to share your collection with your Mom, your best friend or your designer! They can find you on Pinterest and follow you – and you can follow them and… well, you get the picture. Pretty soon you have images of your dream house, your dream wedding and your dream vacation, ready to share and bring to life in your real world!

Get started today! We’ll be happy to help!