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Kitchen Design, Floor Plans and Designers

August 23, 2013

This is a good article on home design: 10 Floor Plan Mistakes And How To Avoid Them In Your Home from freshome.com. It highlights just how difficult it can be for people to envision their living space. Flat, two-dimensional architect plans are difficult for the un-trained to see as three-dimensional spaces. Often the reality is very different – smaller, larger, awkward or even impossible sometimes for actual construction!

Model homes can be just as difficult – of course they look great: spotlessly clean, no personal items strewn about and no dusty corners. In fact, most model homes have many of the inside doors removed to give the illusion of flow! Once the details of real life are added the ‘model’ is often just another house.

Designers envision real people in real spaces – it’s what they do every day, at the very least forty hours a week! The more information you give them about your family and your life, the better they are able to design a new home… or a new kitchen… or a new bath that will fit YOU perfectly.

The best designers add an extra dimension that not only adapts the room to you but makes you better. More storage, or more creative storage, to help you be better organized; lighting that helps you use the space in every way you can possibly imagine; or just that extra element of beauty or style that helps you feel like you can do anything!

Find a great Designer today and start renovating or building your dream!