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Inspiration for your Dream Kitchen or Bath

October 1, 2012

Your home is your operations base, your sanctuary, your nest – however you feel about it, it is probably the largest investment and one of the most personal. Whether you want to find solitude or joyful communal chaos, you want everything there to reflect you and your family.

When deciding to build, renovate or change even a single wall color, inspiration can come from anywhere: a favorite book, a beautifully visual movie, a cherished memory. Perhaps you already have those inspirations for much of your home and you’ve incorporated them where you can… and yet you crave more! More of something… what is it… that undefinable… ??? Surprise? Wow factor? Fresh awe! 

Creativity and innovation happen all around us, everyday and everywhere in the 21st century. We literally have the world at our fingertips! We are no longer limited by the city or countryside we live in – we can travel virtually anywhere, anytime and see how others have used their own inspiration and creativity.

Just this morning we found these images on Pinterest and repinned them to our Inspiration board – they got our juices flowing! Don’t limit your kitchen or bath planning to pictures of kitchens and baths! Get outside your box – travel the world, use the creativity of others to spur your own imagination! And feel that surprise, that fresh awe, everyday you wake up, walk through your home and invite others to share it with you.