Get Ready to Remodel!

May 17, 2020

Remodeling your kitchen is a big decision, and most people don’t even know where to start! There are 8 easy steps you need to know to for an easy remodeling process.

1. Figure out what needs to change

It’s important to understand what you need changed in a kitchen remodel, or you’ll burden yourself looking for things you didn’t even need! Make a list of what you feel needs to be changed while considering the number of people who will be in the kitchen, and how many people it needs to be able to feed. Figure out if you want to change the kitchen’s footprint, or work with what you already have. Make sure to draw inspiration from what you can find online!


2. Plan out costs

You’ll need a rough budget to give you an idea of what you can do with your kitchen, so it’s important to get it ready ASAP! Don’t get too stressed on this step however, as all you need is an estimate of what you’re willing to spend.

3. Call in the professionals!

It’s always better to have trained professionals working with you on large projects such as this. Whether you start with interior designers to focus in on what your design is missing, or a builder to construct your newest addition, you’ll be sure to find yourself in need of such professionals at every turn.

4. Focus in on a design (Fixtures and Finishes!)

You’ll want to start getting the important details down, such as drawer size, floor space planning, and materials. You can also take the time here to get a rough look at what you’ll be spending on the renovation. This step also gives you time to look at what fixtures you want to install and the finishes to go along with them. Make sure your kitchen aesthetic matches the furniture you’re getting and vice versa.

5. Finalize designs

You’ll need to have your designs finalized in this section, as they will be needed in securing construction permits. This depends heavily on your locality, so check with your contractors for the fine details. Be ready to wait a bit though, as the lead time on these permits varies by region. Once your designs are finalized and approved, you can rest easy that your renovation is around the corner.

6. Get a contractor!

It’s essential to have a licensed contractor working with you as you move forward. Ask around your locality for the top choices or look online for whichever one seems like a good fit for your renovation. They’ll help you finalize costs and plans while offering you increased peace of mind.

7. Prepare for the remodeling

It’s easy to get lost in the rush surrounding the day remodeling begins, so it’s essential to have a checklist to go through to prepare. The list will depend largely on your kitchen, but important aspects such as cleaning out the kitchen, setting up a temporary space to prepare meals, and finalizing schedules will be essential for most renovations.

8. Get the Punch List finished

Phew! You’ve just finished getting your kitchen remodeled but it’s not over yet. There are almost always things that get damaged, lost, or forgotten about. The Punch List is a list for all these things that need to be changed, and depending on your contractor, it may be you or them making and addressing the list. Look through your renovated kitchen and jot down things such as missing outlet covers, improper painting, or scratches on the floor. The Punch List is almost inevitable, so you need to approach it calmly and understand that small thing being overlooked happen!

After going through our guide, you should have a strong idea of what needs to get done and S&W Kitchens provides all you need when it comes to a kitchen renovation. Your designer and project supervisor manage all the details in these steps, along with you, to make sure your remodel is as painless and beautiful as it can be.