Blast from the Past

September 30, 2011

Can any one identify the man in these pictures?

He was a football player from the late 60’s early 70’s. He was very popular at the time and even had a part in a TV sitcom in the mid 80’s after he retired from football.

These pictures were taken in one of the original displays in the Longwood showroom shortly after the completion of the showroom in 1986. In the photos the man can be seen in a chef’s apron and hat. He was there to shoot a commercial for a local car dealer, who’s name is lost to history.

These photos came to mind as we remembered the first “live” kitchen we had in our Longwood showroom. The cabinets were Quakermaid custom cabinets and the counter top on the Island where the man is standing was an oak butcher block. We enjoyed that kitchen for many years before we renovated it and made two smaller displays in the space.

Now we are about to launch the first major renovation to the Longwood showroom and create a NEW “live” kitchen. The intention is to have a funtioning kitchen were we can have cooking demonstrations and hold design seminars. Check back in the near future to see updated pictures as we progress towards completion.

In the mean time…if you can name the man in the pictures, please call or email with your guess. There may be a special prize for a correct guess!